It will go to war. And as with any war; there’s trauma, injuries, casualties and the probability of victory or defeat. Once the dust settles who inherits the clean up? Free and Easy Wanderer is a blend of herbal ingredients exclusively crafted to both calm the body and wash out toxins. Its restorative properties are vital to acquiring a stay of execution – sounds ridiculous right? But the insanity of the idea becomes fitting when one considers their body being at war with their mind. 

Now here’s where things become a bit tricky! Self sacrifice is big business when the order is based on a perpetual lie (ignoring the call of your life’s mission). It works against resolve, forfeits personal growth and disqualifies one’s placement of authority over their right to a balanced life. Offer an honest glance over fear induced tactics, used to seduce very capable human beings, into bondage with circumstances that undermine their intelligence – and you’ve got a very messy crime scene (more affectionately known as stress).

Free and Easy Wanderer is a RESOURCE for those finding their way to understanding they are the Cure they seek. Become an attentive steward over the experience you are living -Your life is Your Gift!

We've Got you covered. 30 Day Supply (400 ct. per order)

Please consult with your Holistic practitioner/MD before taking Free and Easy Wanderer to ensure it will not offset other supplements or medications you are currently taking. Free and Easy Wanderer should also NOT be used if you are menstruating, pregnant or nursing. Please understand we make no claims to Free and Easy Wanderer being a cure to any ailment.